Hi, it’s Sue Bonzell with Terra Firma Global Partners. And a lot of times I have folks from out of town who are looking to buy in this area, and even some locals, who ask me all the time, “What are your favorite restaurants in West County, and Sebastopol Forestville areas?”
And of course I have favorites. One of my all time favorites, a great experience, absolutely to-die-for food, and a beautiful wine list, is the Farmhouse Inn in Forestville. It is Michelin-star rated, so it’s absolutely worth visiting, highly recommend it there.
Out in Guerneville Applewood Inn, outstanding meals there if you want to visit there, and they also have a very nice wine list as well. And in Sebastopol my old standby, I probably go there at least three times a week I admit it, K&L Bistro, delicious food, great wines, super friendly people. That’s in Sebastopol.
So those would be probably my top three recommendations for West County. If you’re looking to dine in West County those are my recommendations. I’m Sue Bonzell with Terra Firma Global Partners.
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