Hi. It’s Sue Bonzell with Terra Firma Global Partners and we are officially in winter. We’ve got a little bit of the El Niño going on. It comes, it goes. Who knows what’s going to happen? But you definitely want to keep your home investment safe. Your home is an investment. It’s an asset to you and you want to make sure that you’re keeping it safe and keeping up your asset. So, a little bit of home maintenance goes a long way. First, make sure your gutters are nice and clean. You don’t want them backing up. I’ve heard stories about people who didn’t have them cleaned and had major water back-ups into their house that did some damage and you just don’t want that. It’s something super simple to do. If you don’t want to do it, you can call places like ARS Roofing. They can come out, clean your gutters and make sure that your gutters are in really good condition for the winter rains that are coming up.
Also, trim your trees. If you have trees that are nearby your house, make sure you don’t have limbs that might fall onto your house and do some damage or even your car, you’d hate for a tree to fall on your car. So, with all this wet weather, those trees are going to get waterlogged. So, if you have some of those big limbs, just make sure they’re nice and trimmed up. Call Vintage Tree Care, they’ll tell you exactly what needs to be done and they can get it done for you. The other thing you want to do, if you have a fireplace, one of those lucky people who still has a fireplace in Sonoma County, is check your chimney, have a chimney sweep come out and do an inspection, get that cleaned because it’s something super simple. It’s not that expensive and it could save you from having a chimney fire in your house. We definitely don’t want your house to burn up.
Just a couple of suggestions for home maintenance this winter. If you want a complete list of home maintenance suggestions, you can visit my website sue.wpengine.com.
I am Sue Bonzell with Terra Firma Global Partners.
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